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Seit meinem ersten Besuch in der Vogelherdhöhle und im Lonetal. Damals konnte man die Höhle einfach so betreten, in welcher einige der ältesten figürlichen Eiszeitkunstwerke gefunden wurden. Heute ist der Bereich umzäunt und die Höhle ist Teil des Archäoparks Vogelherd. Und es wurden viele Schilder und Infotafeln aufgestellt. Am Parkplatz Lonetal steht oft auch die Pferdekutsche der Familie Häußler.
Herzlich willkommen bei den Eiszeitjägern! Wussten Sie schon, dass.
Die UNESCO hat die Eiszeithöhlen der Schwäbischen Alb zum Weltkulturerbe erklärt! Hier wurde die älteste Kunst der Menschheit gefunden. Gehen Sie mit auf Zeitreise in eine Welt vor über 10.
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com - the online resource for Pacific Archaeologists. This website is designed for those interested in New Zealand and Pacific archaeology. It is in the form of a Wiki, allowing many people to contribute. Information already here includes pages on excavations, people, techniques and other professional resources. The site has over 2000 page views per day and has passed 4,000,000 total page views. It currently runs a 500 page views per edit so has a high yield for editorial effort.
Is a consulting firm specializing in subsurface imaging of archaeological sites. We perform geophysical surveys to produce high-resolution maps of archaeological features, artifacts, and other patterning. We use a variety of geophysical survey technologies, including magnetometry, electrical resistance, ground penetrating radar, electromagnetic conductivity, magnetic susceptibility, and LiDAR data processing and analysis. Learn more about what we do. Through the links below to lear.
Notes on world archaeology, history of archaeology, heritage preservation, technology applied to archaeology, ethnology, photo-graphy and film, archaeologists, books, and museum exhibits. A new book for Heritage Preservation Professionals from Historic England. November 26, 2017 by ArchaeoPlanet Blog and Archive. Developing a Historic Building Information Model.
Massive LEGO Colosseum and Arch of Constantine. A new series by photographer Ingrid Berthon-Moine. Explores the aesthetic of the testicle in Classical sculpture. Hrag Vartanian interviewed her for Hyperallergic. There is also a hint of ir.
We use cookies to enhance your experience on our site. By continuing to use the site you agree to our use of cookies. Archaeopress Publishing Ltd, Gordon House, 276 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 7ED, England. Title, author, ISBN, keyword. Browse for books in the following languages. Archaeopress Publishing Ltd Extranet from The Solutions Factory.